FedEx is the short form for "Federal Express".
FedEx is now the company's official name; it was shortened from Federal Express first by customers and then by the company.
Federal Express
The word 'capacity' itself is used for the adjective, as in 'capacity crowd' or 'capacity enrollment'.
Capable is an adjective.
Fedex usually uses a commercial invoice template. You can view this template online at the PDFfiller website. Once on the website, you can view and fill out the form online.
The closest noun form of capable is capacity. If you are capable of (let us say) building boxes, then you have the capacity to build boxes.
MEM could mean any of the following. Memphis, TN, USA - Memphis International Airport (Airport Code),Minimum Endogenous Mortality, Main Electronics Module.
In general actual capacity is bit less than the nominal capacity of any form
cubic capacity
high ruptured capacity