It takes the Sun 250 million years to make a full revolution through the Milky Way's galactic core. It rotates completely once every 31 days at the poles, and once every 27 days at the equator.
no. the earths orbit cause the seasons
Approximately 24.47 days
The Sun doesnt Rotate
I don't know. If you know it, then you can change this. Goodbye
Simon Bolivar
The 18th-Century (Age of Enlightenment)
25 days
The period of rotation is the time it takes for one full revolution. Since the object completes 15 revolutions in 40 seconds, the time for one revolution is obtained by dividing 40 seconds by 15, which gives a period of rotation of approximately 2.67 seconds per revolution.
maybe you mean revolutions PER minute (RPM) which is the number of revolutions (rotations of 360 degrees) that take place in a minute of time. speed is a measure of change in position (in this case change in angle of a component) for a given time period.
It provided the intellectual spark for the American and French Revolutions
It provided the intellectual spark for the American and French Revolutions.