For professional sports its the vikings
for high school its without a doubt hockey.
all the pro teams are popular except the timberwolves.
the state high school hockey tournament is one of the biggest high school tournaments in the country.
List of most popular team sports in South Korea:FootballBaseballBowlingBadmintonE-SportsIce Hockey
List of most popular team sports in South Korea:FootballBaseballBowlingBadmintonE-SportsIce Hockey
Australian Cricket Team
the cornhuskers
National Football Team of Bulgaria
buckie thistle
Probally the PAtriots
Most popular team sports around the world are: Football (Soccer), Hockey ("Field"), American Football, Ice Hockey, Roller Hockey, Lacrosse, Rugby. The First 2 i mentioned are the top two popular and most participated team sports in the world
If I were to give my opinoin on the most popular sports team in Nebraska the Corn Huskers would be the most popular.
Just do it Tigers