Hobart Tasmania is about 1390 nautical miles or 2575 kilometers from Antarctica. The average flight time from Hobart to Antarctica is about 4.5 hours.
Note that there are no commercial air services on this route.
The distance from Tasmania to Antarctica is 5369 km, or 3336 miles.
The distance from Hobart, in southern Tasmania to Australia's closest Antarctic station, Casey, is 3443 km, but this is outside the Antarctic Circle.
The answer depends on where you want to start your journey in Australia and where you want to end your journey in Antarctica. However, as a general guide:The total distance from Antarctica to Australia is 7 014 kilometres, which is equivalent to 4 359 miles or 3 787 nautical miles.The distance from Tasmania, Australia's southern island state, to Antarctica is 5 369 km, or 3 336 miles.The distance from Hobart, the state's capital in southern Tasmania to Australia's closest Antarctic station, Casey, is 3 443 km, but this is outside the Antarctic Circle.
1361 miles
763496983 miles
728 miles
About 1100 Km
About 100 km.
296 miles
The flight distance between these two stations is about 750 miles.
Tasmania is already part of Australia. Bass Strait, the stretch of water that separate Tasmania from the mainland, is 240 km wide at its narrowest point: thus, that is the distance between Tasmania, Australia, and mainland Australia.
The flight distance from Paris, France to Antarctica is: 9,580 miles / 15,417 km