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it is so big

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Q: What is the biggest problem in Beijing?
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Which are the biggest cities in China?

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What are the two biggest cities in China?

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Was the Beijing opening ceremony the biggest opening so far?

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What was the biggest firework display ever?

Probably the display at the start of the Beijing Olympics. Probably the display at the start of the Beijing Olympics. Probably the display at the start of the Beijing Olympics.

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The second biggest in passenger traffic is Beijing Capital Airport in China.

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The Beijing National Stadium in Beijing, China. It was used in the 2008 Summer Olympics and the 2008 Summer Paralympics.

Is Beijing zoo the biggest zoo in China?

Yes, the Beijing Zoo is the largest in China. Both with the largest group of species and number of animals.

What are the biggest cities in china?

The two largest cities in China are Shanghai and Beijing.

What is the biggest problem in call of the wild book?

Your face was biggest problem .

What are China's two biggest cities?

Shanghai has the population of 18,670,000 Beijing has the population of 17,43,000

What is the biggest construction company in the world?

China Railway Construction Corp. Ltd., Beijing, China

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