it doesnt matter unless it covers your whole face and in comfortable, give you better protection.
its ok
It is not uncommon in airsoft games to get a BB in the face. However, there has never been a scientific study on this and the exact number is not known. The exact count of face hits notwithstanding, it is a good idea to wear a mask.
For airsofting it is best to wear either a full face paintball mask or full seal goggles with a lower half face mask. Also, cover all bare skin including gloves for your hands and a balaclava or another type of head wrap for your neck and head.
In theory they should, and they will if you are only using guns under 300ish fps, but I would recomend getting either a full paintball mask, or goggles that are rated for airsoft (like flak jags) and a lower half face mask (like the lower half iron face). This is becuase a bb traveling at around 340ish fps can easily chip your tooth and possible break glasses/goggles that are not meant for airsoft.
Definitely. Always wear a lower half face mask with full seal goggles or a full face paintball style mask for best protection. If you watch videos from, you can see that people chipped their teeth multiple times (and the place where he is recording has a 400 fps limit, so the guns aren't insanely powerful).
Yes, and it is highly recommended to wear airsoft glasses or a paintball mask whilst using airsoft equipment.
No, there are no such masks for retail sale. Your best bet would be to find a cosplay helmet and fit it to a regulation mask.
Airsoft players generally use shop safety goggles, shooters glasses or motocross goggles. If you want a full face protection option for a child I would suggest going to your local paintball store or Walmart and purchase a basic paintball mask. Basic masks run $20-$30
If you are talking about the safety glasses then they are not specifically meant for airsoft, but they should be strong enough to protect against bb's. I would strongly recommend using either full seal goggles and a lower half face mask, or a full face paintball mask, as glasses alone allow bb's to enter from the sides or top in some situations. Lack of lower face protection allows for getting hit in the tooth with a bb, which will cause permanent damage to your teeth.
If you are going to be an airsoft sniper, you will need goggles, and not a full face mask. While this will allow you to use an optic better, it means you could get hit in the face. So you should also play with a scarf/shemagh, and be ready to surrender if people get close, unless you want face welts.
The Airsoft mask is predominantly used for protection when playing paintball. However it would be wise to choose the model carefully as some versions seem to be less effective according to reviews online.
The best airsoft MP7 is the WELL brand MP7.