It can be very hot in Beijing during the summers, with temperatures in July and August sometimes exceeding 40 degrees Celsius, or 104 degrees Fahrenheit. The average high for Beijing in August is 86 degrees Fahrenheit and the average low is 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
56c 56c 56c
The average high weather temperature in Ibiza in August is 30 degrees centigrade. The average low weather temperature in Ibiza in August is 21.8 degrees centigrade.
Average temperature in Toronto for the month of August is 19.9 celsius or 67.8 Fahrenheit over a 24 hour period.
it is around 80 low and 100high in august
AVERAGE temperature in August: 22 Celsius
The average maximum for Cairns in August is 28° C or 82° F while the average minimum is 16°C or 64° F.
The average annual temperature in Maryland is 55.1 degrees (F).
Average temperature - min 14.6C max 26.0C:)
august 24th
The 2008 Beijing Olympics Games ran for 16 days: They commenced on 8 August and ended on 24 August.
I think the Beijing Olympics ends on Saturday 24th of August.