The phone number of the Texas Tech University is: 806-742-2011.
The address for National Car Sales in Kerrville Texas is: 620 Main Street, Kerrville, Texas, 78028. Telephone number: (830) 257-8266. The company deals with used car sales.
The web address of the Telephone Museum is:
The web address of the Museum Of Texas Tech University is:
The address of the Telephone Pioneer Museum is: 406 N Carancahua St, Corpus Christi, TX 78401
The address of the University Of Texas Foundation is: , Austin, TX 78767-0250
The address of the University Of Texas is: University Of Texas, Austin, TX 78712
The address of the Texas Southern University is: 3100 Cleburne, Houston, TX 77004
The address of the Telephone Museum is: 1714 Ashland St, Houston, TX 77008
The address of the University Of Texas - Pan American is: 1201 W. University Drive, Edinburg, TX 78539-2909
Texas LonghornsThe University of TexasPO Box 7399Austin, TX 78713-7399USA
Texas University or "t.u." is located in Austin, Texas. Texas University or "t.u." is located in Austin, Texas.