

Best Answer

everything dumbo there the best team in the world by Ethan hill

Too right!!



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Q: What is so good about Liverpool fc?
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Related questions

What position does voronin play for Liverpool fc?

He doesnt play for Liverpool fc so no position

Liverpool fc how good?

Well i think Liverpool are the best team in England so paracetamoxyfrusibendroneomyci

Why is Liverpool fc so at football?

because Liverpool has a frecking name

Is faking a goal good?

Yes, if you're Liverpool FC

Who is better Liverpool FC or Peterborough FC?

Liverpool FC, because of the amount of trophies in the Liverpool FC trophy cabinet, and due to the fact that Liverpool FC are a Premier League team and Peterborough FC are a Championship team, Liverpool FC are a better team. However, this is partially because they have a bigger budget and higher profile than Peterborough FC, Liverpool FC being an internationally recognised team. But who knows, Peterborough have a lot of good players and may get to Premier League level yet! Also the fact that the infrastructure of the ground and the amount of new faces we are seeing at Peterborough. you can just think how their future may just look.

What is the name of Liverpool fc park?

Liverpool fc's stadium is called Anfield

When was FC Bossy Liverpool created?

FC Bossy Liverpool was created in 1954.

When were Liverpool fc first established?

It was founded in 1892 by the then Mayor of Liverpool John Houlding, who persuaded Everton FC to move from their Anfield ground and who made it the home of the new Liverpool FC.

Is Liverpool fc Irish?

Liverpool FC is an english team based in Merseyside, England.

What other team apart from Liverpool plays at annfield?

Only Liverpool FC and Liverpool FC reserves play at Anfield.

When was Matt Busby the Captain of Liverpool?

John McCartney was the Captain of Liverpool FC between 1897 and 1898.

Which EPL teams are based in Liverpool?

Liverpool FC at Anfield Everton FC at Goodison Park