The total distance, as the crow flies, between Dallas, Texas and Tel Aviv, Israel is 6,969 miles or 11,216 kilometres.
The distance between Tel Aviv, Israel and NY, USA is 5667 miles.
The shortest flight between Hyderabad (India) and Tel Aviv (Israel) traverses 6,243 miles.
There are 2211 miles between London and Tel Aviv.
The distance between cairo and tel aviv is 460 miles.
Around 1500 miles or 2500 kilometers.
2,555 miles driving distance.
Distance between vancouver and tel aviv israel is 10700 kms.While traversing the distance one might encounter Atlantic ocean on their way. Vancouver is situated in the north western region of north america.
Distance:The distance between Toronto, Canada and Tel Aviv, Israel is 5778 miles (9299 km). Flight:Toronto, ON (YTO) to Tel Aviv (TLV)Flight Duration 10 hours 50 mins
The distance between John F. Kennedy airport in New York City and Tel Aviv International Airport in Tel Aviv, Israel is 5660 miles, 9110 km. Depending on headwinds and many other variables, going from New York to Tel Aviv is about a 10 hour flight, and from Tel Aviv to New York is about 12 hours.
The flight distance from Tel Aviv, Israel to London, United Kingdom is 2,212 miles / 3,560 km
The air distance from Munich, Germany, to Tel Aviv, Israel, is 1,642 miles. That equals 2,642 kilometers or 1,427 sea miles.