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Mesoamerican ballgame

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Q: What games are originated in Central America?
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What is the civilization that originated in Mexico and Central America?

The Mayans.

What crop originated in Central America and is now used for baking and decorating in the fall?

Pumpkins were originated from Central America and if you think about it, around Halloween we use pumpkins for decorating and baking.

What is the Maya empire?

It is an ancient civilization that originated in central America

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Avocados originated from Mexico and Central America.

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It is believed to have originated some 8,000 to 10,000 years ago in the fields of the first agriculturalists of Mexico and Central America.

Where have the Americans found in the Caribbean originate?

History shows that the current inhabitants of the Caribbean may have originated from Central America.

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Chili, also known as chili peppers, originated in Central and South America. Specifically, it is believed to have originated in Mexico thousands of years ago.

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well asia, australia, europe, north america, have hosted the olympic games while antarctica and africa hasn't. south america will be hosting in 2016 in rio de janrio

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The maraca was invented by indigenous peoples in Latin America, particularly in regions such as Mexico, Central America, and South America. It is believed to have originated with the Taino people in the Caribbean.

When you unscramble the word lrnceta eaiamrc what is it?

The anagram is Central America.

Choose the false statement - The word Latin refers to the language from which the Spanish and Portuguese languages originated. Latin America would include the territory in present-day Central America?

The first sentence is true. The second is technically false. Central America includes one country that is not part of Latin America (Belize).