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The most popular drink in china is green tea

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Q: What drink is the most popular in China?
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What is the common drink in china?

the most popular dink in china is tea

What is the most popular alchoholic drink in china?

Beer is the most popular alchohal drink in china and second would be "Baijiu" witch means white liquor.

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The most popular drink is coca cola. (In soda drinks).

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What is the most popular tea in china?

The most popular tea in china is Green Tea.

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The most popular places in China are: Beijing, Sichuan & Tibet

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the most popular food in china is noodles and dogs

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What is the most popular drink in Japan?

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What drink is popular in Japan?

Green tea is probably the most popular drink in Japan. If you are referring to alcohol, beer is probably the most popular drink (since it is much cheaper than sake).