Michigan state
The division one colleges in Michigan are, with the commonly known name of the school in parenthesis:University of Michigan (Michigan)Michigan State University (Michigan State)Central Michigan University (Central Michigan)Eastern Michigan University (Eastern Michigan)Western Michigan University (Western Michigan)
Maryland, Michigan state, Michigan, Ohio state, Syracuse, Florida
Division I Michigan Division II Grand Valley State Division III St. Johns
Michigan Ohio state Tennessee lsu
Michigan or Hawaii depending on the division you're talking about.
1-AA (Appalachian State is a Division 1 AA team.)
In football, there are 2 Division 1-AA schools in Ohio (Dayton in Dayton and Youngstown State in Youngstown) and none in Michigan.
Michigan State is the short version for Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan. The State of Michigan is referring to the whole state of Michigan.
Michigan is not a community property state, it is an equitable distribution state. Marital property and assets are divided in a manner that will allow both parties to have as equal a share as possible, but not necessarily a 50-50 division.
Michigan Central records division 7150 Harris Drive Lansing, MI.48913 Or www.michigan.gov
Currently, the Big Ten is in charge of scheduling all conference games. Michigan and Michigan State are both members of the Legends Division, and will continue to play each other in football every season unless one of the teams is moved to the Leaders Division (which would not happen unless a team is added or removed from the conference at large). Even prior to MSU joining the Big Ten in 1950, the two teams played each other annually. The last time Michigan and Michigan State did not play a football game was 1909.