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October 2nd, 1835 the battle that started it all began at Gonzales when a group of Texans repel a group of Mexicans.

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Q: What date did the Texas Revolution begin?
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When did the Texas revolution begin?

October 2, 1835

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Early voting in Texas in November begins 17 days before the election date.

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Who was in charge of Texas in the Texas revolution?

the Mexicans of course. then the texans rebelled hence the texas revolution.

What part of Texas did Mexico and Texas both claim?

Texas itself; before the Texas Revolution (1835-1836) Texas had been a territory of Mexico and until the Mexican-American War (1846-1848) it was seen as a rebel province to acquire on a later date.

Texas Revolution and the Mexican American War?

Texas attacked the Mexican Army and thous, a fight began.

Is the Texas Revolution and war with Mexico the same thing?

No. The Texas Revolution is also called the Texas War of Independence.

Is The Alamo a Texas battle site for the Texas revolution?

Yes the Alamo is one of the battle sites during the Texas revolution.

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