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Q: What cities have the most Denver Bronco Fans?
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Which football team has more fans?

The NFL team with the most fans is the Dallas Cowboys. The Green Bay Packers have the second most fans, followed by the Denver Broncos, and the NY Giants.

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Most of the filming took place in Boise, ID and surrounding cities.

Why are Denver Colorado Springs and Aurora important?

They are the most populated Colorado cities.

What are the three major cities in Colorado?

There are many major cities. Some of the most famous ones and the top 3 largest cities are Denver, Colorado Springs, and Aurora.

What are some of Colorado's most famous cities?

Denver, Aspen, Colorado Springs, Boulder, Cripple Creek, and Frisco.

What major US cities get the most days of blue skies?

Denver, I believe, with 69% off all days

What elevation are most large cities?

Most large cities are located at elevations ranging from sea level to a few hundred meters above sea level. Some cities, such as Denver, are located at higher elevations due to their geographic location.

What are the major cites in Colorado?

The top 6 most populous (and major cities) are (in order): Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Lakewood, Fort Collins, and Aurora

What city located on the eastern edge of the Rocky Mountains is the capital of Colorado?

There are many US cities located on near the eastern slope of the Rockies, most notably, Denver, Colorado.

Have the Dallas Cowboys gone to the most Super Bowls?

No. The New England Patriots have made the most Super Bowl appearances with nine. The Dallas Cowboys, the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Denver Bronco are second with eight appearances each.

What is some information about Colorado's major cities?

Colorado is the capital of Denver. Denver is approximately 153 square miles, has an elevation of 5,130 feet, and is the 22nd most populated city in the United States.