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Q: What Child games are played in Nepal?
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What sports does Nepal play?

Most popular game in Nepal is "Football" ( Soccer ). Nepal's National games: Dandi Biyo and Kapardi. Other games played in Nepal are: Cricket, Basket-Ball, Elephant polo, Table-Tennis and so on.

What percent of Nepal's children are child soldiers?

There are about 5% maoist child soldiers in Nepal.

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he played probaly as a child

Why does child labor happen in Nepal?

Nepal is a relatively poor country, and child labour is cheap, and hence very attractive in an impoverished economy.

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How did Madhav Kumar Nepal become the leader of Nepal?

By doing political games

Present condition of child rights in Nepal?

I think present condition of child right in nepal is improved but still there are many child who works in hotel,mills,factoriesetc. and many child are kept away from exploitation but still few child are violeted from thier child rights

What is the national sports of Nepal?

the national game (sport) of Nepal is dandi biyo.

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all the games they want