I think girls should be able to play sports with boys beause what if girls really like football and no one would let them play so that wouldn't be fare.Because boys are stronger than girls, and it is dangerous. it's dangerous because if you're playing football, girls can get seireously injured.
yes of course it should be done . coz if a girl wants to be a cricket player then what is the reason to stop her .if a boy is let to play this game with the support of all. then why not girls? if boys can do this then girls can do it better.
I think we play sport to have fun, let some aggression out e.g. Rugby. Or, maybe just to play with some mates e.g. Football.
Wen obnoxious moms started to take control of a mans sport
Girls can play any game they want to. It depends on the girl's age and her preferences. If she wants to play Call of Duty, then let her play Call of Duty.
In the United States, people of any race are allowed to play any sport.
let her play there are plenty of NETA clubs for younger girls
Its not really only boys that play girls. Some girls play boys, but boys don't do much about it. I've been played. I've played a guy. It's just hormones. Try not to let it get to you or he'll seem vulnerable.
Croquet was invented as a fun way to let out frustrations. It was intended to be a soothing sport for people to play.
what? let me get this strait....you don't think girls can play, or there are no girl charters? For the first one anyone can play runescape (unless you have been band). For the next one, yes there are girls in runescape. If you want to change your gender you can go to the Makeover Mage near faldor.
It can help you not get diabetes and heart disease. Never let unhealthy things stop you from excersing.
If your child wants to play hockey, then by all means let him. Hockey (both types) is among the ten most popular sports in the world. If you are in the U.S., playing field hockey may be difficult/impossible due to the old-fashioned belief that it is a girls-only sport (see other answers onsite for details).