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Ampé -

Materials: fast-paced music playing (can be played only to clapping)

Object: to be highest scoring team

Directions: Select one "leader". While the players close their eyes, the leader hides objects all around the playing area

(this may be best played outdoors or in a gym with good hiding spots). The players gather at a starting/finish line. The

leader then yells "Pilolo" and the players run to find a hidden object and get back to the finish line first. The person

who crosses the line first wins. Another variation: divide the players into two teams. The team whose players all cross

the finish line first wins. The game is played several times.

Pilolo -

Materials: small balls, sticks, or pinnies

Object: to find the hidden objects and get back to the finish line as quickly as possible

Directions: Students divide into two teams. One player from each team stands opposite one another. One player is

Ohyiwa and the other is Oware. Players begin jumping and clapping with the music. As they land, each manipulates

one leg forward, with knee locked. Ohyiwa wins a point if the left leg meets the other player's right leg or vice versa.

Oware wins if the left leg meets the other player's left leg, or if their right legs meet. The team that reaches 10 points

first wins. A set of games can be played and the team with the highest number of wins wins the day.

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12y ago
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13y ago

football is the most popular sport in Ghana to find out more go to wikipedia

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14y ago

Football! Ghana has a very good domestic league the GLO Permier League, including heart of lion (in accra the capital), liberty (cape coast, Michael Essien's domestic club), kotoko (Kumasi)

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13y ago

soccer. that's about it. poor kids growing up with some empty fields and clay balls

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14y ago

They play football (soccer) .1 of their most famous players is Micheal Essein.he has the nickname of "The Bison" because of his great strength and physical presence on the pitch.

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11y ago

Football is quite popular....polo is also played

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They play football as a sport

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What type of sports are in Ghana?

Most popular is football.

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This disadvantage of playing sports in Ghana is that it is quite a poor country and does not have very good playing fields.

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What sports did Ghana do in Ghana?

foot ball and a kicking game called monveir.

What is Ghana's type of government?

Ghana is a constitutional democracy

What types of sports are played in Ghana?

football is the game played in Ghana and is the most popular

What sports are Ghana good at in the commonwealth games?

They are good at football.

What sports will Ghana be playing in the Olympics?

Boxing, Judo and Weightlifting.

What type of movies are watched in Ghana?

The question should be "What ghana movies do they watch in Ghana?"

What type of religion did Ghana practice?

Most of Ghana are christians

Does Ghana play any sports other than football?

Yes, there are lots of sports in Ghana, like boxing, golf, tennis, polo, go-carting, rugby, athletics and many others.

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