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Q: In 1989 a protest in Beijing to demand more freedom was led by?
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The 1989 protest in Beijing to demand freedom was led by who?


In 1989 who led the protest in Beijing to demand more freedom?

it was led mainly by students and intellectuals

Where did tens of thousands of Chinese began a protest in 1989?

Tens of thousands of Chinese began a protest in Beijing's Tiananmen Square in 1989. The demonstration was predominantly led by university students and initially started as a call for political reform and freedom of speech. However, it ultimately escalated into a pro-democracy movement and was subsequently brutally suppressed by the Chinese government.

Is Yom Kippur war Beijing uprising for freedom that was crushed by the military in 1989?

No. The Yom Kippur War was a conflict in 1973 between Israel and the Arab States (Egypt and Syria in this case). The Beijing uprising for freedom that was crushed in 1989 was the Tiananmen Square Massacre.

Where did Chinese students stage a massive pro-democracy protest in China in the late 1980's?

The government further restricted freedom of expression in china

When was Protest Songs created?

Protest Songs was created in 1989-06.

What major event took place in China on June 4 1989?

this event is called the protest at Tiananmen Square of 1989, aka the massacre at Tiananmen Square of 1989 or the June 4th incident. on that day, students who held protests for democracy was killed by tanks and guns . however, that was only a peaceful protest before the massacre. see reference link

What was the tiananmen tragedy?

In June 1989, students, workers and others gathered in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, for a peaceful protest against various policies of the Communist government. After a couple of days, the government forcibly dispersed the protest, resulting in several deaths and numerous prison terms. The US essentially ignored this crime.

When did Beijing Workers' Autonomous Federation happen?

Beijing Workers' Autonomous Federation happened in 1989.

What were the student protesters who occupied Tiananmen Square in Beijing in June 1989 demanding?

In 1989, around 100,000 protesters gathered in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China and demanded democratic reforms.

What square is famous in Beijing for student protests on June 4th 1989?

Tiananmen Square, Beijing. It is one of the outer parts of the forbidden city.Tiananmen SquareTiananmen Square, Beijing.

Where a move for freedom was brutally crushed in 1989?

Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China. Student-led pro-democracy protests were violently suppressed by the Chinese government, resulting in numerous casualties and arrests.