They have won it 15 times, their first being in 1984 with Prost and their most recent being in 2008 with Hamilton.
The British Grand Prix. However, they have actually won the Monaco GP even more times - 15. Ferrari hold the record for the most wins at the same GP - 20 at the German GP
15 TIMES, and thats more then Ferrari, Red Bull and Williams
The F1 records for Monaco are as follows: a. Most wins for a driver - Ayrton Senna - 6 times b. Most wins for a Constructor - McLaren - 15 times c. Most Recent Winner - Mark Webber d. Lap Record - Sebastian Vettel
Michael Schumacher took part in eighteen Monaco Grand Prix between 1992 to 2010 winning five times (1994, 1995, 1997, 1999 and 2001).
Nigel Mansell has never won the Monaco Grand Prix. Ayrton Senna holds the record for most race wins in this circuit. He has a total of 6 wins in the years 1987, 89, 90, 91, 92 and 1993.
Exactly 5 times
60 times.
11 times with 2 remaining
Exactly 15 times
it goes in poomillion times