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Q: How many people in Brazil play soccer?
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Related questions

Did people play soccer in the 1800?

yes, in many hispanic countries, such as Brazil

How many people play football in Brazil?

Most people in Brazil isn´t even interested in football, because they play soccer instead.

What do people do in Brazil for fun?

play soccer !

What soccer league is Brazil in?

Brazil are no a club level team, therefore they play internationaly

What sports do people play in Brazil?

Soccer, which is known as football.

How many seasons are there in soccer?

there are 2 seasons for soccer, fall and spring but also sometimes people play soccer (professionals) in the summer and sometimes play futsul (indoor soccer for brazil)

What kind of sports do they have in Brazil?

Actually they play many sports but, Brazil's official sport is Soccer.

Does Brazil play soccer?

Yes they do

What kind of sports do Brazil play?

Brazil is known for playing soccer.

Who mostly play soccer?

Pele from Brazil

What countries play and excel at soccer?


How many people play in us soccer?
