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Manila to Bicol is a 10 hour travel by bus or it is a 45 minute flight.
No roads are available to travel. Flight is recommended.
Air Flight from Davao to Manila is about 1 hour and 30 to 40 minutes. By land travel it could take about 2 or 3 days before you can reach Davao.
2 hours
Using the Mississippi state capital Jackson and the Philippine capital Manila as reference points, the distance between Jackson, MS and Manila, Philippines is 8603.0 miles (13845.0 km). Travel time from California to the Philippines is 16 hours(direct flight). Determine travel time from Mississippi to California and then add 16 hours and there you go with the answer. Bon voyage!
5hours or 4hours
The flight distance from Manila, Philippines to Sydney, Australia is 3,884 miles / 6,251 km.
642 miles