Driving from Charlotte, North Carolina to Great Falls, Montana is 31 h (2,134.7 mi) via I-94 W
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 16.5 hours.
It is 1,851 miles and 30 hours of driving time according to Google Maps.
Approx 5.5 - 7 hours depending on weather, border crossing wait times, etc We've left Calgary at 07:30 and been in Great Falls at 13:45. Little traffic, good weather and 5 minutes at the border.
It is 509 miles and an estimated 7 hours and 56 minutes of driving time according to Google Maps.
The Roe River runs between Giant Springs and the Missouri River in Great Falls, Montana - submitted as about 36 meters (120 feet) long, when marked at "extreme high tide" to the Guinness Book of World Records.
How far is it from Spokane to Medford and how long does it take to drive it
The official smallest river is the Roe River. It is situated between Giant Springs and the Missouri River close to Great Falls, Montana. It has been measured to be only 200 feet or 61 meters long!!
I have driven from Bellingham to Spokane in approximately 6 hours with stops included and no traffice jams in Seattle.
37 minutes
Yosemite Falls is neither good or great, but is absolutely awesome as long as it has not fried up for the season. It is one of the highest waterfalls in the world and is absolutely amazing to watch and take a picture with.
1 mile