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you can stay up to six months in Australia with out a job or a work program

As long as you have permission [ a visa ] to travel as a tourist or reside as a registered alien in some countries.

Myself, I have been living out of Canada [ in Southeast Asia ] for about eleven years, and have recently met a Canadian citizen who had been employed by Walt Disney Studios as a cartoonist for almost 30 years, and is now retired and living in Las Vegas, Nevada.

He is still a Canadian citizen because he has never applied for American citizenship, in the 40 years he has lived and worked outside of Canada.

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12y ago

I' m Australian. I came on september 20 from entry stamp. anyone could you let me know please how long can i stay in Canada?

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Maximum 6 months

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Q: How long can a Canadian stay out of Canada?
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as long as my dream come true.

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Yes of course, but it wouldn't give her the right to stay in Canada

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If you are for example your visa has run out and u have t be sent home to your country and move out of Canada then if u marry a Canadian u are allowed to stay but u arent technicaly canadain. You have to live in Canada for 5 years to be classed as a Canadian citizen.