The largest city near Los Angeles, as far as populationgoes, is San Diego. The next nearest is San Jose.
Downtown Los Angeles is 118.25° west of the Prime Meridian. The distance from Los Angeles to the nearest point on the Prime Meridian is 3,866 miles. (The nearest point on the Prime Meridian is the north Pole.)
The Snow Valley Mountain Resort is 138km (85 miles) from Los Angeles. The resort offers both daytime and nighttime skiing, as well as sled rides for the less adventurous.
The nearest (major) seaports to Arizona are in San Diego, Los Angeles and Long Beach (the last two are pretty much the same port). These ports are 360-400 miles away from the center of Arizona.
very far
Los Angeles/Madrid is 5815 miles
7908 miles from Los Angeles to Kathmandu, Nepal
Tropical rainforests are far too warm to receive snow.
So far Millennium Snow only appears in manga .
depends on weather and how far from equator