Potsdam, NY is about 15 miles away from the Canadian border. The closest Canadian city across the border would be Cornwall, Ontario.
14 miles
2 days
292 miles
It's about 3 minutes from downtown Buffalo to the Canadian border.
one Canadian border
Six miles from the Canadian border to Hwy 11 in Warroad.
It depends on where in Canada you go to, but the shortest distance to the Canadian border is 385 miles.
The shortest driving distance is 82.5 miles to the Canadian border.
Rte 61 runs north/south about a mile east of the border, Ontario and the falls.
What Live Oak are you talking about? Cause there's a Live Oak in Florida
Canada is a huge country. It depends on where in Canada. If you're talking about the closest Canadian border, that would be about 400 miles away from Brooklyn.