Calvin McDonald is the CEO of Sears Canada, which is a large Retailer in country. Calvin maintains his twitter account and therefore have an email address. However, since his email address is private so it has not been publicly disclosed.
The population of Sears Canada is 2,011.
Sears Canada was created in 1952.
Their president line complaint phone number is 416-362-1711.
As of 2014, the President and CEO of Sears Canada is Douglas C. Campbell. His corporate address is 290 Yonge St., Suite 700, Toronto, Ontario M5B 2C3 Canada.
what is the bankruptcy mailing address for Sears
It was an office buildiing created as a corporate office for the Chicago based retailer Sears.
Sears payment center address is: 1500 Boltonfield St. Columbus, OH 43228
To consolidate the office functions for Sears.
To centralize the office functions of various Sears divisions..\
The email address of Kevin R Holt Vice President Sears Holdings