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Q: How are waves on the west coast of ireland stronger than the waves on the east coast of Ireland?
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Why are waves stronger in the South West of Britain?

Beacause it is more exposed to the Atlantic. Further North is protected by Ireland.

What is Ireland's western coastline famous for?

It's mountains, cliffs, bays and other inlets and also its islands. You also get very large waves along parts of Ireland's west coast.

Why is the east coast smoother than the west coast?

It is smoother because the wind and waves are stronger on the west side.

Could there ever be an earthquake in England?

Yes, England can experience earthquakes, although they are typically of low magnitude. The British Geological Survey records around 20-30 earthquakes per year in the UK, with most being too small to be felt. The largest historical earthquake in the UK occurred in 1931 in the North Sea, with a magnitude of 6.1.

How do waves erode the coast?

Waves erode the coast through hydraulic action (the force of the water itself), abrasion (rock fragments carried by the waves), and corrosion (dissolving rocks like limestone). Over time, these processes wear away the coastline, shaping it through the removal of sediments and rocks.

What is the beaches like in Ireland?

Beautiful and very clean. You can catch some great waves there. Its brilliant for watersports and sunbathing!!

What is often the first indication of the arrival of a tsunami at the coast?

Bigger waves come in faster and winds become salty and stronger.

What has the author P Hall written?

P. Hall has written: 'Near-planar TS waves and longitudinal vortices in channel flow' -- subject(s): Tollmien-Schlichting waves, Wave interaction, Nonlinearity, Vortices, Focusing, Channel flow 'Road accidents 1968 Ireland' -- subject(s): Statistics, Traffic accidents, Ireland

Are sound waves stronger than light waves?

No because light waves are stronger and brighter and sound waves are light and dull

Who were the first settle in Ireland were?

Little is known about the people who first inhabited Ireland during the stone age about 9000 years ago. It is believed that the first people came from the north of Spain, by boat. We known nothing about their language or what they called themselves, and little about their culture except from what we have found in archaelogical excavations. There is genetic evidence of people in Ireland that can be traced back to the region in northern Spain, proving the link.

What is the destructive ocean wave produced by an earthquake?

The destructive ocean wave produced by an earthquake is called a tsunami. Tsunamis are large ocean waves caused by the sudden displacement of water, usually triggered by undersea earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. Tsunamis can travel across oceans with great speed and cause widespread devastation along coastlines.

What is stronger love waves or Rayleigh waves?

rayleigh -8 letters :-)