Natalie Von Bertouch and Natalie Medhurst are two examples of famous Netball players. Others include Laura Langman, Tracey Neville, and Romelda Aiken.
romalda aekins
Current famous NZ Netball Players are: Casey Williams, Irene Van Dyk, Laura Langman and Maria Tuataia. NZ Netball greats, (in my opinion) are: Julie Seymour, Sandra Edge, Bernice Mene
netball famous leaders ?
The Aussie Netball Team and the Silver Ferns
that's easy, me!! Liz Ellis (Elizabeth Ellis)
irene van dyk is the most famous lady netball player
She is famous for being a netball player
It is not the most popular sport. Tennis, basketball and soccer are actually more famous than netball. However, netball is a very popular sport for younger women ages 7-16
Mo'onia Gerard - she plays Goal Defence (GD) and Wing Defence (WD) - she may not be the most famous netball player ever but she is famous in the Swifts. Hope this helped.
Shaniqua bro
Mikhael kroon