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Q: Does china play sport
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How do you play the most popular sport in China?

the most popular sport in china is gaming

What is the sport they play in china?


What is the biggest sport they play in china?

Badminton, soccer, basketball and ping pong

What sport is often played in anicent china?

they play a very simalar game to football

What sport does Chinese play?

china's national and popular sport is table-tennis. other sports like badminton, swimming is there too.

What types of sport do they learn in schools in china?

Traditionally, soccer (football) is the primary sport of China and is the most played game in their schools. They also play basketball, baseball, cricket and other sports.

What is China's official sport?

The national sport for China is Ping Pong and Soccer

What is the popular sport for china kids?

They love football during the day and play tiddlywinks in the evenings I lived there for 4 years

What is a sport in China?

pingpong and kungfu are sports in china

China national sports?

China does not have a named national sport. Ping pong, or table tennis is the most popular sport played in China.

Is sumo wrestling the most popular sport in China?

Sumo is a Japanese sport, no a Chinese sport. Sumo Wrestling in China, has therefore a limited following.

China's most popular sport called in the past time?

A favourite pastime and sport in china is gay sex