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Q: Do people who live in Beijing recycle?
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How many people live in china and how many people live in Beijing?

1,330,141,000 people are approximately living in China. The population of Beijing is about 17 million. (The 2007 population estimate for the population of Beijing was 16,330,000)

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14 million people live in Beijing which is the capital of china also14 million people live in Beijing which is the capital of china also

How many people live in Beijing 2010?

22 million according to 2010 census i was speaking to a doctor and they said that around 22.1 million live in Beijing( which is of course in China) I conquer.

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What kind of houses do people in Beijing live in?

Beijing has approximately 12 million people living in their country. People who can't afford to live in big, tall houses live in what you call small huts and in Beijing you don't get roads you get small alley ways and little parts of a road or lanes. In Beijing you can get nice houses but you rarely find them around and you will find that either old people live in them or a family living in them but the house has been past down to them.

How many people live in Beijing China?

2. Me, and my dog.

Does Norway recycle?

Yes, just like other countries Norwegians recycle, all though it's optional. They recycle paper, plastic, and some people also choose to recycle even more. What you are able to recycle depends on wich county you live in.

How could you m Make the world live longer?

recycle recycle recycle it that simple.

What is the popluation of China?

About 1% of China's population live in, and around, Beijing. The population of Beijing is approx 12 million people

What hapens if people don't recycle?

if people dont recycle the wrold might end and we cant exsits if we dont recycle

How do people recycle naturally?

people recycle and the recycled materials get burned and reused.

Where did sojourner live as a child?
