As the crow flys Hong Kong is roughly 4620 miles away from Melbourne.
The flight time for that journey would take around 8 and a half hours.
The distance between Guangzhou, China, and Melbourne, Australia, is 4,691 miles, (7,549km).
The flight distance from Melbourne, Australia to Beijing, China is 5,648 miles / 9,090 km.
Hello The distance from Hong Kong to Thailand is around 3 1/2 hours
The flight distance from Xian, China to Hangzhou, China is 713 miles / 1,147 km
The total distance from Shanghai, China to Nanchang, China is 370 miles. This is equivalent to 595 kilometers or 321 nautical miles.
The direct distance between the two cities is 3292.2 km. But if you take the train to travel from Urumqi to Shanghai, the distance is 4077 km.
757 miles by air.
The driving distance from Hong Kong to Shanghai, China is 1,160 miles / 1,867 km.
the total distance from china to Australia is 7,469 kms =)
1,184 km
5186 miles