466 miles
The distance between Morocco and Frace, or France and Morocco is 1,036 miles.
Morocco was split between France and Spain.
the strait of Gibraltar is 14.3 km wide at its narrowest point. Morocco to Spain.
Driving distance: 341.32 miles / 549.31 kilometers - Time: ~6:27 h
Morocco was divided between France and Spain.
The distance between Tangier, Morocco, and Agadir, Morocco, is 431 miles, (693km).
No, Spain has 2 Autonomous Cities in North Africa surrounded be Morocco, they have a border.
The question is ambiguous. It is approximately 9 miles from North Africa to Europe across the Straits of Gibraltar. Spain has two Autonomous Cities, Melilla and Ceuta on the Mediterranean coast of North Africa surrounded by Morocco. The distance between Spain and Morocco there is one step to cross the border.
Morocco, Spain, and France.
128 miles
40 miles