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Yugoslavia doesn't exist....

Yugoslavia was formed after World War I after the fall of Austria-Hungary. This country was made up of more than twenty ethnicities and was upheld from 1945 to 1980 under Marshal Tito, who ran a communist government. Marshal Tito was not in favor of rebellion or opposition amongst the people of Yugoslavia, but he tolerated it regardless. Because people who followed him did not adopt this toleration for themselves, it created more division amongst the people. Yugoslavia became connected to Western Europe instead of the Soviet. When Stalin died, stronger ties were made with the USSR. Yugoslavia was controlled well until Tito died.

It is at this point in time (1980s) that Yugoslavia's existence becomes strained. Different groups form, wanting more and more power (autonomous). There was a great deal of tension between these autonomous groups. Without a leader, old issues that were not resolved arose and created more division amongst the citizens of the country. Federalism was one of these issues, as well as cultural and economic tensions between the North and South.

Atop all this stress in the country, there were also economic difficulties. Inflation and employment increased significantly. There was an immense foreign debt, as well as food shortage. Salaries decreased an astonishing twenty-four percent. Some say the cause of this decline in economy was Tito's failure to invest a considerable amount of foreign capital. The breakdown of economy also created more tensions in ethnical and regional issues.

One of the main contributing factors to the fall of Yugoslavia is their poor constitutional arrangements. The constitution was changed in order to compromise federal and regional rights. This did not have desired results. Because of constant amendments to the constitution, the six republic and two autonomous regions increased in power and could veto legislation with ease. Before Tito passed away, he instituted a presidential system for Yugoslavia. Representatives from each region of the country would rotate for position of president. This may have increased equality amongst the regions and strengthened regional power, but it weakened federal politics.

The first war was between Serbia and Croatia, the two largest ethnic groups. More than ten percent of Croatia was inhabited by Serbs. This made it difficult for Croatia to secede from domination of Serbia. The main tension between these two groups was their differing interpretations of the common state. Serbia had a goal of unity and having a strong federal state, while Croatia wanted to establish themselves as an independent nation-state. There was also conflict established because of an immense sense of nationalism in Serbia. It is often referred to as the Greater Serbia Ideal. This was established by Milosevic who was on a quest for power.

There were also other wars in Yugoslavia but I am getting more and more claustrophobic by the minute and am running out of time and paper. Also if this is as boring for you as it was for me, then I am sparing you anyways.

I guess I should have something of a conclusion, so I will say that all of this can be summarized into three main reasons for the collapse of Yugoslavia: differing ethnic interests, economic breakdown, and poor institutional structure. Yugoslavia no longer exists today but is now seven new states- Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Slovenia, Macedonia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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