Hit a mad bull in the eye and you're more likely to kill/stop it from attacking you. It will go thru the eye socket into the brain rather than hitting bone
Thecorrect term is GOLD not BULL.
The archers shot at a Target and all hit the bullseye. Archers are people skilled in archery.
In Darts a bullseye is worth 50 points, in archery its worth 10 points. However, puritans of archery do not call it bullseye they refer to it as "the Gold"
archery the gold is the bullseye in archery
It is referred to as a "Boss", origins not know but could be because it sticks out? The "Target Face" is what you put on the Boss for scoring, these are different sizes depending on what Round is being shot (Indoor & Outdoor). The biggest face is 122cm and the smallest 40cm (Target Archery).
The area around the bullseye on a target is typically referred to as the "perimeter" or "outer ring." It is where lower-scoring values are assigned in activities like darts or archery.
shooting as close as you can to the bullseye.
The entire lot would perhaps just be called a target, but there are individual names for the sections... The stand the target rests on would simply be called the stand. The straw backing on a target is called the "boss". The paper picture with the Archery rings or equivalent scoring system is called the "face".
Concentric this is for the P.E. Packet of archery
The bullseye is the center of the target.
Field target archery is when your in a field and your a long distance away from the target and 3D archery is like doing archery inside.
The rings of an archery target are concentric circles.
Because when they reach a target, they say/shout "BULLSEYE!" (why do i have to answer these hyprochrits!?)