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because people don't have anything to do so they play on internet checkers

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13y ago

Many Chess players enjoy a friendly game of chess where they can test their skills against another opponent .

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Q: Why do people play chess?
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What is the purpose of the chess?

im not exactly sure if your asking what you want to do in a chess game, or why people play and enjoy chess. well, im here to tell you both. what you want to do in chess is call ' checkmate! ' or actually win a chess game by checkmating your opponent. why people play chess is a lot less eaisier. i love playing chess, but most people play for the enjoyment, while others play for competetion, or the oppostite, relaxation. i hope i helped you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! enjoy chess!!! lolz

You wish to play chess on net? is a popular and fun website to play chess on. There is often around 10,000 people playing live chess at anytime during the day.

How many people play chess worldwide?

Not me, sooo...

What famous games did people play in 1793?


Find the chess server where you can play an interactive game of chess online?

If you want to play an interactive game of chess online,I suggest that you go to to play with other can also chat with other people and can watch videos.

How many players are in the game of chess?

I can't give you the exact number, but a lot of people play chess.

What games did people play in Norway?

Parcheesi and chess, for instance.

Did the medieval people play checkers?

Yes and chess as well.

What inspired chess to be made?

a game for old people to play

What is the purpose of having a chess club?

To bring together people who like to play chess and to learn from one another.

What is a popular Chilean game?

chillean people love to play chess

What did the people in the middle ages use to play chess?

It was very popular...