It really depends on wind conditions. Wind can pick up a light Frisbee for a while or send it quickly to the ground. I would say If a heavy and light Frisbee were thrown by the same person in the same conditions, the heavier one would stay up longer. So heavy is the answer.
well, the frisbee was invented in 1957, so i would figure since then.
A period stay on for so long because of environmental changes.
so it has a longer time of having air
When you jump you would stay in the air for a long time before coming down. So basically your weightless...
Because of the curry that is produced now a days in the nuclear factories in russia and samoa, this release dihydrogen oxide in the air.
kids can stay outside for as long as they want so let them be kids
it has a long life so it can stay in the system for up to 5 days.
Do you mean how long they stay pregnant? if so its 9 weeks.
they can hold their breath for a long time but since they are mammals, if they stay down for to long without coming up for air they could drowned. so, sadly, yes, but there is a very small chance of it
It is fine to go as long as you want without farting. We fart while we are asleep as well so it's impossible for a person to hurt themselves by holding it in.
They dont stay there very long maybe about a month or so. It depends on what the food is like and how the condition of the land is.
Manatees have really dense bones which help them stay suspended below the water's surface. In addition, Manatees are able to remain underwater for long periods because, with just one breath, they can replenish 90% of the air in their lungs. Compare this to humans, who can replenish just 10% of the air in their lungs in one breath.