Quality dart boards are made out of horse hair, the resin is put in to hold it together, this is what makes the cracks you see.
Yes electronic dart boards can be purchased at Wal-Mart. You can also purchase the darts. They also have real dart boards available for purchase. Take home one today!
5' 8" to the center of the bullseye
The best place to find original Bristle dart boards would be on a site such as eBay or Amazon. Both sites have items listed for purchase that are unique or hard to find.
Most dart boards are made of sisal fibres. Sisal is a stiff fibre that comes from a plant. Sisal is the same material that twine and rope is made from. Cheaper dart boards are made of cork or some type of coiled paper. Quality dart boards are made of sisal fibers. Sisal fibers are from a plant that looks like a pineapple with swords growing from the top (the swords look somewhat like aloe leaves) and are often grown in Brazil.
It is unlikelt that there are such things unless the darts are sucker type darts.
"I have researched online retailers that sell electronic dart boards, and a great site for information is Nextag. I have found that you can purchae electronic dart boards from Amazon, Ebay as well as Walmart to name a few."
Of course there is a multitude of companies that sell electronic dart boards. One can find them at Dick's Sporting Goods, Sears, Ozone Billiards, Darting Dot Com, K Mart, BM Gaming and many others.
One could purchase cheap, used Bristle Dart Boards on eBay. One may also find good deals offered by Amazon Markeyplace sellers, as well as offers by Amazon itself.
The typical dartboard for home use costs around $15-$40. However, some of the professional boards and designer boards can run as high as $4,000 depending on the model.
Arachnid dart boards come in classical looks like hard woods and luxury cases. The electronic game scorer allows you to play 29 different variations of darts including high score and count-up. Arachnid dart boards also come with plastic tipped darts making them safer for users as well as provide a 1 year warranty for all damages that may occur.