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The reason for this is because of the low drag in the flying rings, and air is pushed up easily through the middle. The wider the middle, the better. In a Frisbee, there is much more drag, and in order for it to go farther, you have to have a strong hand.

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They are more aerodynamic.

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Q: Why do aerobie rings go further than frisbees?
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Can frisbees fly farther than others?

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Why are flying rings more aerodynamic?

Flying rings are more aerodynamic than traditional Frisbees because they have a thinner profile and circular shape, which reduces drag and allows them to cut through the air more smoothly. Their compact size and design also help them maintain stable flight and travel longer distances with less effort.

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The motion of the particles in Saturn's rings?

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Uranus' rings are different from Saturn's rings how?

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What will be the motion of ring?

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Why are the rings of each gas giant planet closer to the planet than its large moons are?

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