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Bent Larsen of Denmark was renowned for playing the Dragon. Pal Benko of the US used it as well.

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Q: Who are some grandmasters who used the Dragon chess opening?
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How many grandmasters of chess are there in England?

37 players in England have the title of grand master and 57 have the international master title this is correct data from FIDE (as per putting this post up) some are inactive players but once you have the title you never lose it.

What are a few tips on how win a game of chess?

Here are some that my chess teacher would always tell me: -Castling is a good option in chess (google it if you don't know how) -Always check your checks and watch out for the queen and bishop especially. - Move out your bishops and knights in the start of the game -Never open up your rook side or bring your rook out in the start of the game. - Don't bring out your queen too early either. - You don't need to move quickly even the grandmasters take time to think.

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A good chess website is ChessKid

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A fairy chess piece is a chess piece not used in conventional chess, but used in certain chess variants and some chess problems. These pieces vary in movement abilities and possible additional properties.

What is a fairy chess piece?

A fairy chess piece is a chess piece not used in conventional chess, but used in certain chess variants and some chess problems. These pieces vary in movement abilities and possible additional properties.

examples of dual sports and describe each?

chess boxing is when you play chess for some time then you do some boxing

What does the website Chess King Training provide?

The website Chess King Training has a game where you can prove your chess playing skills. There are also some chess products and software that are available for purchase.

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Mikhail Tal. Some Sacrifice videos get from 'cftchess'

How do you beat the third chess player the order of the phoenix video game?

It's regular chess on a hard level, so just look up some chess tips.