Either of the two central pawns. Moving any other pawn is generally thought of as inferior, but there are plenty of outstanding openings that advocate other pawns. Some players will eschew the pawn opening, and bring out a knight.
All except the pawns.
Pawns cant move sideways just like that..... they can move only while attacking some other piece.........
evrey peice but the pawns!!
There are 16 altogether. 8 are white and 8 are black.
You may move any of the eight pawns or any one of the two knights ; ten out of sixteen chessmen .
You are not inclined to move any specific peice on any move. But, on the first move, there are peices that you can't move. This is because some peices are blocked in by other peices. All pawns and knights can move on the first move.
The only pieces that can make the first move in a chess game are the pawns and knights. Therefore, each side has 12 moves available. These are one possible for each of the eight pawns, and two each for both knights.
Pawns in chess are unique from any other piece in that they move and attack in different directions. Pawns may move one or two spaces forward when on the 2nd or 7th rank (their starting positions for white and black respectively), and one space after that. They attack diagonally forward, either to the left or the right. This makes it possible to have multiple pawns on one file or vertical lines of squares. They cannot move backwards.
you move the pond 2 tiles or(times) or you just move the pond once in the beginning when your trying to the pond not in the middle of the game!!!!!!!!!
The King piece. However, there is a move called "Castling" which involves the Rook and the King moving together in one move behind the pawns for better protection. The King can 'castle' King side or Queen side.
20 choices. Pawns can move to the 1st square or 2nd = 16 Horses can move to the left or right = 4 Rooks can't do anything. Neither can rooks or bishops. Nor the queen or king.
The only piece in chess that is categorically not allowed to move backwards towards their own side is the pawn. Every other piece can move either away or towards their opponent in a number of idiosyncratic ways.