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the last moves of a Chess game

Life as a game

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What idea is associated with romanticism?


How do you title a graph?

You find the main idea of the graph then make the title based on that.

Which element of Endgame helps establish the idea of circularity?

Hamm circles the room and returns to the center

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Something that is completely expressed and can be clearly understood.

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What is stated and unstated main idea?

A stated main idea is when the writer of the particular piece clearly identifies what the main idea is. In contrast, an unstated main idea is when the writer references the main idea, but does not clearly name it.

What view refers to how clearly an idea or message is expressed?

content view

What is a good idea for a play?

make a title and make the main idea and you have a play injoy

What is a chapter title?

A chapter title is a name of a chapter to give you an idea of what the chapter of a book is about.

What idea is Ludwig Wittgenstein associated with?

picture theory

How do you get the main idea?

The main idea of an article or composition is the main theme- or basically what the author is going on about. Ask yourself as you read- "What is the most important thing the author is trying to tell me?" The answer is usually the main idea. It can be difficult to tell the main idea sometimes if the composition or article is extremely technical or intricate. In these cases it is best to study the title. Intricate or technical works are usually categorized according to title. Authors usually state their intentions (the main idea) in these cases quite clearly in the title.

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