Action, Athena, Cuetec, Black Widow, and Balabushka are all companies that manufacture cheap pool cues. You can find a full list of cheap pool cues on the oZone Billiards website.
Predator-brand pool cues can be purchased from stores such as Billard Warehouse, PoolDawg, and Cheap Cues. These stores specialize in parts for billiards.
no he didn't.
McDermott pool cues are considered to be very high quality pool cues. These cues are made with the latest technology and materials available in the world. These cues are said to lead the industry in performance, service and quality.
The Orchid pool cues can be purchased at any low end billiards supply in the US or on the internet. The Orchid cues are very low priced decal based cues intended as "starter" cues. These are imported to the US and Orchid does not identify where they are made.
What will make your game room awesome will depend a lot on your style. The must have accessories for a pool table are cues, chalk and a pool cue holder.
Start by getting a copy of the Blue Book of Pool Cues. The current version is the 3rd Edition printed in 2005. In addition to having all the information from their previous editions, they contacted every cue manufacturer in the Trademark Index to be sure to capture all the new cue manufacturers. What you are looking for is a "art cue". Richard Black Cues and pdf Studios are both known for producing fine art cues. One example you will find is the ivory dragon cue by Lambros Cues, described as one of the most intricate and unique art cues ever created. There are outlets listed online that sell art cues such as these, but be prepared to pay anywhere from $3,000 to $15,000. Newer production style cues can make cheap "look-alike" cues that use decals - generally custom cue makers refuse to apply "artwork" to a cue this way, but it is a cheap alternative when viewed from a distance.
For billiards players seeking used pool cues from the Meucci brand, there are options when doing so on the web. This includes sites such as eBay, Meucci Cues, and Budget Cues.
There is no maximum price for a pool cue as I personally saw pool cues at the cost of USD 12,000 and more. * Added - There is at least one pool cue that is sold new in the US for $150,000. Highly detailed custom cues and collectible cues that are intended for regular use range from $5,000 to $30,000. There are collectible cues that are not intended for regular use that often sell for more than $100,000.
Ideally, you should be more worried about the safety of your pool cue case, as it is essential that the case actually protects them from damage. A good place to look at would be the uk version of the hot deals website, which also give a comparison of other prices help you to make the right choice
Yes however the term 'cue' is the general name for them.
Most sales of a new pool table include up to 4 cues. However, these are typically one piece cues of very low quality that may warp quickly, and may not even be comfortable for use.