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i assume you mean the king. and it is exactly the same but it can move backwards

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

The queen moves an unlimited amount in any direction but cannot jump over intervening pieces.

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Q: Where in chess does the queen move?
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Does a queen have to be on there color during any move?

No, in the game of Chess the Queen can move from and to any colour.

What chess piece can move anywhere on the board?

The Queen

Why is the queen so strong in chess?

The Queen is second only to the King in strength and power for she , with the exception of the Knight , can move like every chess piece since she incorporates the power of every chess-men's move .

What is the move called when you switch the queen and bishop in chess?

This is not a legal chess move in keeping with the rules of chess . You may be thinking of Castling ~ see related link below .

In chess can a bishop move two spaces and get the queen out?

Yes, if it is an available move to you, you can move your bishop two spaces and take your opponent's queen.

In chess is their a queen or a minister?

In the game of chess there is a chess piece called the Queen.

What is the significance of queen in the chess?

Other than the King , the Queen is the most powerful chess piece upon the board at nine points and in terms of movement .

In chess if the queen is captured can the king move?

Absolutely. The King or any other piece for that matter may move regardless of the fact that the Queen has been captured as long as the move is a legal move. Although, if your Queen has been captured and you haven't taken the other Queen, your King may not be moving for much longer as it is probably destined for a checkmate.

Who is called the Queen of the Chess Board?

The queen is the most valuable piece after the king and can move veritcally, horizontally and diagonaly

In chess can a Queen move like the Knight?

No. -- -Check out my blog at! Be a member!

What is the best hand in game of chess?

the queen. she can move pretty much any way.

How do you use word gambit in a sentence?

The Queen's gambit is a well known move in chess.