yes. black absorbs heat. white bounces heat away. watch a music video called colours by grouplove.
A white shirt looks white because it reflects all wavelengths of light equally, giving it a bright appearance. This means that it does not absorb any specific colors, but rather bounces all colors back, resulting in the perception of white.
White objects reflect heat and light energy. For example if you live in a white house, the heat and light energy bounces off the surface of the house so you would feel cool.
At approximately 12:55 A.M. the first white distress flare was fired into the air and burst with a loud bang. Eight rockets were fired altogether
you cannot hit the ball out of the white box, there is lines to show you that if you miss the ball and it bounces twice your opponent gets the point
The White House has eight staircases.
Light bounces off objects to produce color. For example, the laptop I am typing this on is black because all light is absorbed and none is bounced off to our retinas to register color. A baseball is white because all light bounces back -- all colors together produce white -- and your retinas gather a white baseball. The reason black surfaces are hotter than white surfaces is due to collection of light. With black, all light is stuck, and so does the heat coming with light. You touch these and your hand burns.
the number eight in the Bible means -- one who abounds in strength and white in the Bible means -- victory, purity, and righteousness
No, originally there was eight, but they brought it down to seven.
a news paper with wheels ?