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If no rotational momentum is present as well, only a tiny fraction of which can be transferred to another billiard ball, the cue ball will stop. If rotational momentum is present, which is a part of cue ball control, the cue ball will roll in a direction dependent upon angle of contact and direction of rotation.

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Q: What will happen to the speed of a cue ball if all of its momentum were transferred to other billiard balls when playing pool?
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A great force would be required. - Among other things, there is a law of conservation of rotational momentum. This means that rotational momentum would have to be transferred somewhere else for this to happen.

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What happen to momentum when objects collide?

The total amount of momentum stays the same. Momentum is neither lost nor gained.

Does momentum stay the same?

Yes. In the game of pool you do it to make your plays happen. When the que ball strikes another ball it imparts some to all of its energy onto the ball it hit. That ball travels off and the que ball can either finish rolling or having lost all its' forward momentum, stop.

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If the mass of an object is cut in half, the momentum of the object will also be halved. This is because momentum is directly proportional to mass, so a decrease in mass will result in a proportional decrease in momentum.

What is momentum and what happen when it comes in contact with another object?

Momentum is the product of an object's mass and its velocity. When two objects with momentum come into contact, they can transfer their momentum to each other through collisions. The total momentum in a closed system remains constant if there are no external forces acting on the system.

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Does mercury have momentum?

Technically speaking, momentum was invented in 1683 by Teddy Roosevelt on Earth. This being the case momentum, like french fries, cannot happen to exist on a planet it wasn't invented on unless we bring it there.