There is no timing associated with a pool tournament. How long a pool game lasts depends upon the types of games being played and the skill of the players.
I means "guaranteed games". (Pool play + elimination play.) If the tournament is a double elimination then you will have 2 pool play game for a guarantee of 4 games.
Often times in a tournament, pool play is a set number of games before you get to "elimination play." Each team is guaranteed the same number of pool play games. For many tournaments your performance/record in pool play determines where you get bracketed for elimination play. Sometimes pool play has different time limit rules than bracket play. As a coach, it is certainly something you need to be aware of.
In any single elimination pool tournament with an odd number of players or teams, a by is always neecssary. This is one reason double elimination can be slightly more "fair", or points are used. Players or team are paired, 1 to 1, but with an odd number in any round, a player has no one to play. This player gets advanced to the next round as if he/she had a win, and this is called a "bye". The play should be arranged such that no player or team gets more than one bye.
There are none. There is no FIFA World Cup pool tournament.
A person can find a basketball pool on a website called tournament pools. There is a pools section on the main page where you can join a pool, or start your own.
Typically a tournament that has guaranteed prize money states that there is a guaranteed prize pool and often go on to say how much. For example: Guaranteed prize pool of $250,000. This means no matter what they take in for buyins, this much will be reserved for the prize money. The rest will go to costs of hosting the tournament be online or in a casino.
i just did it going to level 48 from level 47
It was a feature length movie about pool, including a few scenes at a national tournament. Hundreds of cues were used in that movie.
China are currently 67th in ranking and have not been in a pool stage of the tournament nor won the Final
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You really can't make money with a pool table, but by having your own pool table you can practice often enough to make money playing pool elsewhere. You can host a small pool tournament if you have your own table, and if you are good enough to be the winner, you will win money. However, hosting a small one table tournament is nearly always a loss to the host. If there are not many other good locations nearby, it is possible to have a "house fee" which can turn it from a loss to a profit for hte host.