In the catholic religion, it's known as a 'kneeler'.
The Muslims also use prayer rug to stand on while offering prayer. That prayer rug is called by different names in different languages.
The praying is called "Salah". The called to the praying is called "Moathen"
A church hassock is a strong foot cushion for kneeling or standing on, you can find them in churchs when your praying!
No, that is not how you spell it.It is called a whoopee cushion, not a whoop cushion.
The surface of a pool table is made from quarried slate, which is blueish gray rock that splits quite naturally into big, flat segments. It is then covered in cloth and surrounded by rubberized cushions.
They used to be. Now they're in their own order called Mantodea.
Praying Mantis are start out as an egg mass called ootheca.
A Baby Praying Mantis is Called a Nymph which is between the egg and adult stage.
You do know that a praying mantis is an insect right? The praying mantis isn't actually praying. It is called that for the stance it makes.
It is called Jai Namaz.