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Q: What is it called when you remove an opponent's piece in draughts that could have made a capture?
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no. he is part of an organisation called the akatsuki. they akatsuki plan to capture all of the jinchiriki's (demon hosts for egsample gaara and naruto) and remove the bijuu's (demons), control them and use them to take over the world.

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You can either use expensive lens filters, or remove it in post-processing. To remove it in post-processing you need to use software like Lightroom, Nikon Capture Nx , Adobe photoshop !!

Are you allowed to jump kings in draughts?

Yes: both other kings and uncrowned pieces can jump and remove the opponent's kings from the board. The only difference in ruling is that the smaller uncrowned piece cannot move backwards to do so; whereas kings can move or take in any direction.In fact, if the smaller piece does not take a king that is available for 'the taking', he may be removed or "huffed" from the board for 'not taking'.Whether you are a small piece or a king, you are required to take any adjacent piece that could be jumped. That is a fundamental rule for draughts, and can be used as a basic 'given' in the strategy of play in that game.

How do you remove sand from cloths dryer?

To remove sand from a clothes dryer, start by vacuuming out as much sand as possible. Next, wipe down the interior of the dryer with a damp cloth to remove any remaining sand particles. Run a cycle with a few damp towels to help capture and remove any lingering sand.

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i think you go to something called remove tools and remove it

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Gutting it

What is it called when you remove ore deep within the earth?

That is called deep mining.

What is it caleed to remove debri from a wound fracture or burn?

What is it called when you remove debris from a wound, fracture, or burn

Can a cop remove traffic tickets?

only the cop who wrote the ticket can remove it called ticket fixing