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A teaching method. For newer pool players, it can be difficult to determine where to aim to have the cue ball strike the object ball at anything other than a straight shot. The most common method taught is to use a "ghost ball".

This method requires you to first line the shot up, standing behind the object ball so that the pocket or point you want the object bakk to hit is directly in front and in line with you. You now imagine a pool ball is laying right there immediately next to the object ball. For the first few times, the instuctor will make a mark on the table on this line, 1 1/8 inches from the object ball. This is the center of your ghost ball. Now, you move over to the cue ball and aim at the center of the ghost ball, imagining that a ball is there and you want your cue ball to go exactly where it is. You make the shot, the cue ball goes to exactly where the ghost ball was, and your object ball goes exactly where it should go! Easy! After a few practice shots, maybe even a few dozen, this can be done without marking the table with chalk.

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